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The criteria provided below is accurate as at 25.05.24

Intermediary Status
Customer Type
Property Type (at completion)
Property Type (after works)
  • Property Value

    £133,333 - minimum loan has to be £100,000

  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    No minimum income required, but exit must be feasible.

  • Maximum Age

    No maximum

  • Type/Commercial

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Considered on a case by case basis.

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type:
  • Max Age:
  • Property Value:100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £2,500,000 per property

  • 1 month or less
  • 12 months - any longer is an exception
  • Yes, considered
  • Yes, considered
  • None required.
  • Not required
  • Yes
  • Yes, considered
  • No
  • Yes – however only accounts for a small part of the overall decision
  • Paid direct to lender at the lender fees scale
  • 21 years
  • 10
  • Direct via a packager such as 3mc.
  • Property Value

    £100,000 - lower considered

  • Advance (min)

    £75,000 Bridging/Auction,

    £200,000 refurb

    £250,000 Dev Exit

    £500,000 Development

  • Income

    No minimum income, however: - Collectively, the applicants/directors must have a combined total income of £30,000 or more. This can include income from employment, self-employment, pensions, investments, and rental or...

  • Maximum Age

    75 at the end of the term

  • Type/Commercial

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Considered on a case by case basis. However: - Bankruptcy/IVA: No bankruptcy/IVA in the last three years. If bankruptcy/IVA occurred in the last six years, a full explanation is required. For Development Exit: no bankruptcy. County Court judgments (CCJs): All CCJs must be satisfied and should not exceed £5,000. If...

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type:
  • Max Age:
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • 75% Resi bridging
    70% Commercial/ land - up to £30m

  • 1 month
  • Bridging - 18 months Dev exit - 12 months Development - 24 months
  • Freehold, leasehold with 60+ years left on the lease
  • On all purchase cases the source of deposit must be disclosed. LendInvest may request that evidence of the deposit is produced.
  • On all purchase cases the source of deposit must be disclosed. LendInvest may request that evidence of the deposit is produced.
  • None for short term finance
  • Yes, required.
  • Yes, considered. See Restrictions and product guide for renovation criteria.

    Light or heavy refurbishment, and minor development: structural, conversion or extension work that constitutes permitted development or for which existing planning permission is in place.
  • Yes, considered.
  • An exit strategy is required.

  • Yes, range dependent.
  • No
  • Valuation fees are paid direct to the lender at the lenders fee scales on their website. For each type of short term finance, the prices may vary. Ranging from Residential bridging, HMO/MUB, Light/Heavy refurbishment, Regulated bridging, Auction and Bridge to Let. Arrangement Fee is 2%
  • 21 years
  • 2 on individual(s) applications and for Ltd Co it's Maximum of 4 directors/shareholders/members. Full personal guarantees required.
  • Access to Lendinvest can be via 3mc as your selected packager.
  • Property Value

    £166,666 for single securities. £100,000 for multiple securities

  • Advance (min)


  • Income

    Must be able to afford either monthly payment or have a suitable repayment vehicle in place.

  • Maximum Age

    No upper age limit. 85 years old

  • Type/Commercial

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type:
  • Property Type:
  • Max Age:
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £15,000,000 to max LTV (75% LTV) - above by exception only.
    65% LTV for standard and light refurbishment Bridging

  • 1 month
  • Regulated: up to 12 months Unregulated: up to 36 months
  • Yes, considered.
  • Yes, considered.
  • Yes, required.
  • Yes, will consider new build properties
  • Yes, both flats and houses.
  • No, credit check
  • Paid directly to the lender at the lender fee scales. AVMs can be used for loans: Up to £1m Max 55% LTV Max £1m property value per security
  • Property Value

    Single units - £75,000
    £100,000 London postcodes

    HMO - £100,000 £250,000 for London postcodes.

    Multi-units: £75,000 or £150,000 in London (applies to each unit)

  • Advance (min)

    £50,000 1st Charges, £25,000 for 2nd Charge

  • Income

    Client has to be registered in the UK and source of income should normally be within the UK. Employed applicants must of been inside of their current job for a...

  • Maximum Age

    85 for Investors - 75 for Regulated

  • Type/Commercial

    SPV / LLP Limited Company Standard BTL investment properties such as a house or Flat HMO's up to a maximum of 8 bed - can also consider HMO' with 8 beds with 2 kitchens Portfolio limit for landlords of up to 20 properties allowed with Precise Mortgages. For properties 11...

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Considered on a case by case scenario (up to date credit search is required for consideration)

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type: customer_individual, customer_ltd_spv
  • Property Type: type_single, type_hmo_upto_6, type_hmo_upto_8
  • Max Age:
  • Property Value:0-74999, 75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • No maximum but max LTV is 75%

    Refurbishment BTL/Short term is 80% LTV maximum

    £3,000,000 (£1m HMO) for buy to let element.

  • 1 month
  • Regulated 12 months Non regulated 18 months
  • Minimum remaining lease term is 70 years at completion.
  • No
  • Yes
  • No for gift of equity from family members Ltd Co: - Equity gifts accepted from personal to Ltd Company. (Director's loan)
  • Yes

    EU Citizens

    Applications submitted from 1st January 2021 where the applicant is an EU citizen they must provide a valid permanent residence document or evidence that settled or pre-settled status has been granted under the EU Settlement Scheme. This can be in the form of a letter from the Home Office confirming their settlement status or a Residence Card.

    Settled status is awarded to EU citizens that can evidence a minimum of 5 years’ continuous residence in the UK, whereas pre-settled status applies to those who have not resided in the UK for 5 years. Those awarded pre-settled statuses can apply for settled status once the 5-year residence requirement can be met.
  • New build flats and houses accepted to product max LTV

    Flats in blocks up to 20 storeys, with a commercial ground floor accepted

    80% LTV available for buy to let new build houses and flats

    85% LTV available plus up to a 5% builders incentive on residential lending

    S106 obligations considered

    Mortgage offers valid for six months from the date of issue, if required we may extend for a further three months

    New Build flats with a commercial ground floor are considered
  • Yes, considered.
  • No minimum rental income requirements where exit is sale of property. Bridge to Let option available

    Precise Mortgages Refurbish BTL Calculator – please use Precise Mortgages rental calculator

  • No
  • Yes - Experian at AIP stage.
  • Missed Mtg/Secured Arrears 0 in 12, Max 1 in 36 months.
  • Valuation fees paid direct to lender at the lender fee scales
  • 25 years
  • Will lend in England, Scotland (Postcode permitting) and Wales
  • 4
  • 3mc is a Premier Partner with Precise Mortgages. Packaged or Club options available
  • Soft foot print at AIP
  • Property Value


  • Advance (min)

    £50,000 for Regulated bridging
    £40,000 for Resi/Commercial Investment bridging.

  • Income

    No Minimum Income. Clients to evidence independent material income which must support their personal and business commitments. Where the exit is refinance onto an investment mortgage we will need to...

  • Maximum Age


  • Type/Commercial

    Single Residential investment unit, HMO’s, student BTL. Multi-unit on 1 title, semi commercial, commercial investments units plus owner occupied commercial units. Available to trading Ltd Co. SPV’s and individuals. SIPP's and SAS accepted Offshore LTD Companies and Trusts considered - Minimum loan size must be £750,000. Flats in blocks exceeding...

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    Refer to 3mc

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type: customer_individual, customer_ltd_spv, customer_ltd_trading, customer_ltd_expat, customer_expatriate
  • Property Type: type_single, type_multi_upto_5, type_multi_over_5, type_hmo_upto_6, type_hmo_upto_8, type_hmo_over_8, type_commercial, type_semi_commercial, type_holiday_let
  • Max Age:
  • Property Value:75000-100000, 100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £15,000,000 per client. Higher is considered by exception.

  • No min term, no minimum interest charge
  • 18 months
  • 55 years remaining at term expiry
  • Accepted
  • Yes - Gift letter should be completed. Has to include copy of donor’s identity and a bank statement showing funds in a UK bank account
  • Yes - evidence of payment conduct is required for any borrowings the parents may have secured on the property to ensure they are not shifting bad debt to the applicant while still managing the asset. A Gift letter is also required
  • No minimum ownership period
    before remortgage considered. Will lend against OMV within 6 months subject to criteria.
  • Yes (unless Ex-Pat)
  • All new builds considered.
  • Ex-local houses considered
    Ex-local flats considered

    Acceptable subject to:
    Lease with a professional operator of emergency housing

    Assumption of a standard AST with private rented sector tenants for affordability and viability of exit assessment (as opposed to lease rental income)

    Property to be valued as a standard house or an HMO with no premium attributed to the lease

    Private tenants in receipt of Housing Benefit or Universal Credit are also acceptable.
  • Bridge to Let option available

  • No
  • Adverse considered on a case by case basis. Missed mortgage payments over 12 months ago considered.
  • Paid direct to lender at the lender fee scales
  • 21 years
  • Will lend in England, Wales and Scotland
  • No maximum
  • Access to Shawbrook Bank is available via selected packagers only.
  • Hard foot print
  • Property Value

    Commercial - Loan to value maximum 60% based on the lower of the purchase price or acceptable vacant possession valuation. Residential - Loan to value maximum 70%, based on the lower of purchase price or acceptable valuation.

  • Advance (min)

    £150,000 per property

  • Income

    ALIE evidence – Audited accounts; short form accounts; tax return (2 years); Bank statements (6 months) for all loan commitments and current accounts of the borrower; passing rental income for...

  • Maximum Age

    No maximum age

  • Type/Commercial

    HMO’s, student BTL. Multi-unit on 1 title, semi commercial, commercial investments units plus owner occupied commercial units. Available to trading Ltd Co. SPV’s and individuals. Plus Lending to Trust’s, SIPP/SAS Allow single name into a limited company name using a directors loan and must be at market value Must be...

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    No current bankruptcy or IVA

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type: customer_individual, customer_ltd_spv, customer_ltd_trading, customer_ltd_expat, customer_expatriate
  • Property Type: type_single, type_multi_upto_5, type_multi_over_5, type_hmo_upto_6, type_hmo_upto_8, type_hmo_over_8, type_commercial, type_semi_commercial, type_holiday_let
  • Max Age:
  • Property Value:100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £2,500,000 per property

  • 1 month
  • 18 months
  • Reviewed on a case by case basis
  • Accepted
  • Yes - 'Deed of Gift’ required from the family member to ensure there is no potential prior equitable charge.
  • Yes - 'Deed of Gift’ required from the family member to ensure there is no potential prior equitable charge.
  • No minimum ownership period before remortgage considered. Will lend against OMV within 6 months subject to criteria. Happy to consider a remortgage to 100% of funds spent and cost price on refurbished properties
  • Yes (unless Ex-Pat)
  • All new builds considered.
  • Houses and flats considered - Up to 70%
  • No
  • Considered on a case by case basis
  • Valuation fees paid direct to lender at the lender fee scale.
  • 18 years
  • Will lend in England, Scotland and Wales
  • No maximum
  • Access to Cambridge Counties is available via selected packagers only.
  • Hard foot print upon full application
  • Property Value


  • Advance (min)

    £250,000 for Brigding

    £350,000 for Semi-commercial and Commercial
    £500,000 for BTL

  • Income

    No Minimum Income

  • Maximum Age

    85 at the end of the mortgage term

  • Type/Commercial

    HMO’s, student BTL. Multi-unit on 1 title, semi commercial, commercial investments units plus owner occupied commercial units. Available to trading Ltd Co. SPV’s, SIPPs and individuals.

  • Historic CCJ's & Defaults

    2 years with no adverse credit – no CCJ’s over £500 in last 3 year. All others can be considered

  • Intermediary Status: da_intermediary, hlp_intermediary, pms_intermediary, sesame_intermediary, stonebridge_intermediary, trm_intermediary, tenet_intermediary
  • Customer Type: customer_individual, customer_ltd_spv, customer_ltd_trading, customer_ltd_expat, customer_expatriate
  • Property Type: type_single, type_multi_upto_5, type_multi_over_5, type_hmo_upto_6, type_hmo_upto_8, type_hmo_over_8, type_commercial, type_semi_commercial, type_holiday_let
  • Max Age:
  • Property Value:100000-150000, 150001-10000000
  • Income (min):
  • £5,000,000 to 75% LTV. Exceptions and portfolios considered.
    Loans above £2,000,000 require transactional credit committee (TCC) approval

  • Minimum one month interest payable
  • 18 months
  • Buy to let/HMO (standard) – 50 years at end of loan term Commercial – 65 years at end of loan term
  • No
  • Yes - from a direct relative
  • Yes - Family members credit needs to be checked
  • No minimum ownership period before remortgage considered. All cases considered on own merits
  • Yes (unless Ex-Pat)
  • All new builds considered.
    HMO and New Build Flats up to max 75%
  • Maximum 12 months’ interest roll-up for Heavy refurb. Maximum 10 months’ interest roll-up for Medium refurb. Maximum 6 months’ interest roll-up for
    Light refurb. All loans are subject to a minimum 3 month term.

    Developer Exit product, Pre-Planning and Refurb products available including Bridge to Term

  • No
  • No Adverse in the last 2 years
  • Paid direct to lender at the lender fee scales
  • 20 years
  • Will lend in England and Wales
  • Individuals, limited companies, LLPs, partnerships and trusts and pension schemes (incl. SIPPs) Minimum two years’ relevant sector experience No maximum
  • Access to InterBay commercial is available via selected Key Partners only
  • Soft foot print only

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